Monday, 20 May 2013

35 weeks pregnant

Being 35 weeks pregnant hurts. A lot! I am sat in the armchair as I'm writing this as I am unable to move due to pelvic and groin pains.When these are not painful then something else is like my lower back or my legs or my feet.

Is not enjoyable anymore and I am jealous on the mums who are enjoining these last weeks of being childless. Is so worrying when I get this pains but I found that going online (Baby Centre UK) helped more than a call to the Triage department as apparently is normal and the baby is just positioning into my pelvic bone ready for the birth.

This week hasn't seen major changes since last week apart from my bump getting heavier and bigger.I seem to eat a lot of fruit again especially juicy ones like watermelon,pineapple and oranges.Still enjoying my good old kiwi but I could literally murder a watermelon in no time.

We have been sleeping apart a few nights too as is just more comfortable for both of us with me needing my pregnancy cushions every second of the night.

I think I have gained most of my weight now as looking at photos of me,I don't really recognise the person anymore and is devastating.I have never been so heavy in my whole life and I cannot wait for the long walks in the park with the pram and my skinny jeans.

I can no longer shave my legs or down below so unfortunately Liam will have to assist me in doing it so i am not looking forward to what.I am a big believer in keeping some things for yourself and being unable to shave anymore was one of the things I was least looking forward to.

After the antenatal class last week,I have now decided that I will have a water birth with just gas and air.Of course if after 5 minutes of labour I will decide that I NEED an epidural or something stronger than sucking on gas then i will not hesitate to ask the midwife.I have very low pain threshold and I definitely don't want to think of the birth as the worst thing ever.

I have done the hospital bags for me and the baby, we just need to get a few more bits for me and the car seat from Liam's mum and with that we should be all sorted and ready for his arrival.

The house move is looking more like around the due date ( obviously,it couldn't have been easy and straightforward could it?) bit I'm fine with that. Is nothing we can do about it as is with the solicitors now so stressing about it will not do anything. We are lucky that we have a house and a family that can help if needed.

I am getting more dizziness and fatigue now so I think my sugar levels keep dropping randomly for some reason but thankfully it happens when I'm at home. I'm not risking long drives anymore as I am nearly 8 months pregnant now so not worth it especially with all these pains I have. I can imagine myself in the papers as the heavily pregnant lady who gave birth on the hard shoulder of the M6 because things like that happen to me.

I was sick once this week as well when I was cooking chicken drumsticks so I am now really put off by meat.I stocked up on Quorn and I must say I much prefer that and I will stick to it from now on.

The baby's movements are really noticeable through my clothes now and if I'm sat down or lying down you can just see fists and feet poking out.Liam felt it a lot and my ribs have too and I can't say is pleasant as is very painful now. There's me in all my glory:

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